She met him the appointed day and hour,
Where dotted clouds gather past deadline,
In that one blissful trickle of Time eternal,
Her protocol smile widened just so much,
Pumped hands twice, by etiquette lesson,
Her glass firm on nose, words in measure,
Numbers moved neat in grace and in step,
Bovine’s fertility rate as it is and should be,
Planned multiplication, ratio to population,
More yield per unit for wider consumption.
Awed by her craft, he probed antecedents,
Her syntax held aloft several planes in sky,
Weaved the rainbow strands of Corporate,
Departing a world virtual for stage illusory,
Filled her long funnel of years with tasks,
His too was a tale of syntax, but of words,
Swarming his ways buzzing and stinging,
Strategist, Mentor, Change Agent, Victim,
Unsettled and resettled, extreme to inland,
Could nod her on odder outlooks of limits.
Drizzle to showers and burst to downpour,
Flowed fast and slow with sporadic pauses,
Faces in contour, added bones, filled flesh,
As each mirrored the other in brief glances,
Delving past wrinkles to core of innocence,
Felt pain of rocky road traversed all alone,
Living in their own hearts the tale of other,
Lingered on now to see through the blinds,
Loose soil ready for early shoots and roots,
Rains had been generous on seeds of time.